#5558 BLOC Never A: No way to get to OFW prompt to flash QD207

Zarro Boogs per Child bugtracker at laptop.org
Wed Dec 19 10:59:36 EST 2007

#5558: No way to get to OFW prompt to flash QD207
 Reporter:  sierrahombre         |       Owner:  cscott        
     Type:  defect               |      Status:  new           
 Priority:  blocker              |   Milestone:  Never Assigned
Component:  ofw - open firmware  |     Version:                
 Keywords:                       |    Verified:  0             
 I have found no way to get to the OFW prompt to flash QD207, my version is
 currently QD206.

 I tried the manual & auto-reinstallation instructions here to no avail.


 Plus the olpc-auto.zip contains :


 and not QD207.rom

 Is there a way to flash the bios without opening the XO and pluging in a
 TTL serial cable?

Ticket URL: <http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/5558>
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