#4906 BLOC Update.: Downloading a higher version of an activity doesn't upgrade the one in the XO
Zarro Boogs per Child
bugtracker at laptop.org
Wed Dec 12 05:41:11 EST 2007
#4906: Downloading a higher version of an activity doesn't upgrade the one in the
Reporter: gnu | Owner: rwh
Type: enhancement | Status: new
Priority: blocker | Milestone: Update.1
Component: sugar | Version: Build 623
Resolution: | Keywords: review-
Verified: 0 |
Changes (by tomeu):
* keywords: review? => review-
def remove_bundle(self, bundle_path):
+ self._service_name_to_activity_info.clear()
+ self._mime_type_to_activities.clear()
return self._registry.RemoveBundle(bundle_path)
We are already invalidating the cache on ActivityRemoved and
ActivityAdded. That's not enough?
+ def compare_version(self):
+ """Compare this bundle with installed bundle.
+ Returns -1 if older, 0 if same and 1 if newer"""
This API looks a bit too cumbersome to me. I would prefer if from the name
of the method it was clear how it needs to be used. It also is currently
only used by need_upgrade(), do you have any other use case in mind? If
not, I would just merge compare_version() into need_upgrade().
+ def get_installed_path(self):
+ act = activity.get_registry().get_activity(self._bundle_id)
+ if act is None:
+ return None
+ else:
+ return act.path
Why add this method to the public API? AFAICS, that functionality is
already provided by the activity registry, so that method is just a
convenience one. But I don't see how this method is called by other
classes. I would move that method to be private if it makes the code
clearer, or just merge into upgrade() if not.
- def uninstall(self):
+ def uninstall(self, install_path=None):
Why do we need to add that install_path arg to a public method? Any class
outside from ActivityBundle will need to pass an install_path that
ActivityBundle itself cannot determine? If possible, I would maintain the
API and just add logic inside uninstall() to calculate the correct
install_path to use.
Ticket URL: <http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/4906#comment:13>
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