#1387 HIGH Update.: Rotating screen with video running hangs entire system

Zarro Boogs per Child bugtracker at laptop.org
Wed Dec 5 18:24:04 EST 2007

#1387: Rotating screen with video running hangs entire system
  Reporter:  gnu              |       Owner:  cjb     
      Type:  defect           |      Status:  closed  
  Priority:  high             |   Milestone:  Update.2
 Component:  camera-activity  |     Version:          
Resolution:  fixed            |    Keywords:          
  Verified:  0                |  
Changes (by ffm):

  * status:  new => closed
  * resolution:  => fixed


 On the latest joyride (1373), the whole system does not crash. The
 application just hangs for a second, then exits.

 If the screen is already in a rotated position when starting, then record
 does not initialize the camera.

Ticket URL: <http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/1387#comment:15>
One Laptop Per Child <http://dev.laptop.org>
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