#2680 NORM Trial-3: ComboBox icon is too small
Zarro Boogs per Child
bugtracker at laptop.org
Wed Aug 15 16:27:48 EDT 2007
#2680: ComboBox icon is too small
Reporter: Nat | Owner: Eben
Type: defect | Status: assigned
Priority: normal | Milestone: Trial-3
Component: interface-design | Version:
Resolution: | Keywords:
Verified: 0 |
Comment (by marco):
Replying to [comment:5 Eben]:
> Hmm, sure. I think we'll need to think this through carefully. We have
some very specific needs at various specific sizes. Without trying to
spec any final numbers, here are a few examples with known sizes:
The icon sizes below include also the bit of padding we are keeping in the
SVG to allow designers to vary the icon size a little, right?
> - 75px cell, 55px icon : standard objects/icons in toolbars, frame,
trays, etc
In the API we could map it to small toolbar gtk size.
> - 45px cell, 30px icon : menu option icons, icons in small toolbars,
icons in standard text/icon buttons
menu gtk size.
> - 30px cell, 25px icon : icons in mini text/icon buttons
button gtk size.
> - 150px cell, 120px icon : large objects for large trays (such as in
large toolbar gtk size.
> Other places we need specially sized icons are:
> - activity icons in neighborhood veiw : 45px cell, 30px icon?
> - XO in Home screen: 150px icon?
Both these could also just be special cases (i.e. not use a default size).
> If you tally up all of the above options, there are a total of 6 sizes,
two of which (icons in ring and Home XO) are unique and don't have any
padding specified.
Just fyi in the gtk API the padding around the icon is defined
independently from the Icon objects (it's part of the control
Ticket URL: <http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/2680#comment:6>
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