[Argentina] Fwd: [IAEP] Squeakfest 2012 in Uruguay and Argentina

Gustavo Ibarra ibarrags at gmail.com
Thu Mar 15 11:28:09 EDT 2012

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rita Freudenberg <rita at isg.cs.uni-magdeburg.de>
Date: Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 12:18 PM
Subject: [IAEP] Squeakfest 2012 in Uruguay and Argentina
To: "iaep at lists.sugarlabs.org SugarLabs" <IAEP at lists.sugarlabs.org>

Hello everyone,

This year we will have two Squeakfest conferences, one in Uruguay and
another in Argentina. While not all the details are defined yet, we
are happy to announce the dates:

WHEN:  May 17th to 19th, 2012

WHERE: Montevideo, Uruguay

WHO: Hosted by Universidad Católica

WHAT: a teacher-oriented, hands-on conference and workshops showcasing
Squeak Etoys, turtle art, building roboots

LANGUAGES: Spanish, with English translators

Right after the Squeakfest in Montevideo, there is one day break to
cross the river to Buenos Aires for the Squeakfest in Argentina.

WHEN: May 21st to 23rd, 2012

WHERE: Buenos Aires, Argentina

WHO: Hosted by CAETI - Universidad Abierta Interamericana

WHAT: a teacher-oriented, hands-on conference and workshops showcasing
Squeak Etoys, aimed for secondary

LANGUAGES: Spanish, with English translators

Several from Squeakland will be presenting at both conferences.  We
encourage others from our community to consider presenting and to help
us spread the word to colleagues and friends.

We will also be launching the conference website soon. Stay tuned for
more details!

Join us!

Rita Freudenberg
Director of Education
Squeakland Foundation

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
IAEP at lists.sugarlabs.org


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