[laptop-accessibility] Porting Oralux LiveCD To OLPC XO Laptops

Fernando my.lists at f123.org
Wed Oct 10 14:46:22 EDT 2007

Just a couple of suggestions:

If you all decide to offer a text environment for blind kids while the GUI
is inaccessible, and I certainly think you should; please go with the most
widely used and most efficient environment you can.  As I see it, it would
have to be Emacspeak or SpeechD-el.

Worry not about being able to run it on the XO. Other than minor
adjustments, I am sure you will have enough horsepower. We have tested a
prototype using a router as the CPU and it run Emacs.

Please do worry about offering more than one screen reader/audio
environment.  Multiple choices is a wonderful benefit for the highly
technical user and a nightmare for everyone else.

If you need someone to bring the non-technical perspective to this, do field
testing in public schools, and also help with proposal writing and so forth,
you can count on me.


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